Message from Faculty In Charge

I welcome you to the 2022-23 campus placement season at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna. The Centre for Career Development and Councelling (CCDC) is proud to support your recruitment processes both in physical and online modes. Students are the backbone and pride of our institute. This year, we have a pool of around 520 students completing their B.Tech., M.Tech., and M.Sc., eagerly waiting to make their mark in the corporate world. Our students actively participate in several national and international technical, cultural, and sports events. Apart from academics, student bodies run about a dozen clubs on campus, each focusing on different competencies ranging from public speaking to competitive coding.

IIT Patna has six engineering departments, three science departments, and a Humanities and Social Sciences department. The institute offers 6 B.Tech. programs, 8 M.Tech. programs, and 3 M.Sc. programs. In addition, all departments offer doctoral studies and lead cutting-edge research in their respective specialization. This year, the total student strength on campus has surpassed 2000.

As an institute of higher education, we yearn to trigger the creativity and intellect of students, along with imparting soft skills such as teamwork and communication. The student clubs and the student administrative bodies organize several events throughout the year to ensure everyone receives ample chances to nurture their talents and gain experience.

CCDC welcomes you to visit our campus, physically or virtually, for full-time employment and internship recruitments. We promise our support and dedication in choosing your future employees and collaborators. Our representatives can assist you in the smooth conduct of the recruitment processes, including pre- placement talks, screening tests, interviews, and any other relevant selection processes. We follow transparent placement policies and procedures to benefit both students and recruiters in line with All IITs’ Placement Committee (AIPC) policy.

I humbly request you to consider our students as potential employees of your organization. Kindly feel free to get in touch with us for any clarification and support.

Looking forward to meeting your recruitment team on our campus.

Dr. Ashwani Assam,
Professor In charge, Centre for Career Development,
IIT Patna.


Kindly fill-in the form to start the process to recruit students for summer internships and full time role at IIT Patna in academic year 2024-25.